
Physiotherapy can benefit you at any point in your life. Physio treatment helps with many conditions such as back pain, neck & shoulder pain, whiplash and sudden injury. Physical therapy is also useful for managing long-term medical conditions and post-operative rehabilitation, as well as preparation for (and recovery from) a sports event.

How to find us

The Lloyd’s Wellbeing Centre is based in the Lloyd’s building, at 1 Lime Street, EC3. We are right next to Leadenhall Market, the Leadenhall Building and the Gherkin. Everyone is welcome, although if you are not a pass holder to the Lloyd’s building then pre-booking is essential so that we can arrange an entry pass for you.

Diagnosing your condition

During your initial consultation, your physiotherapist will carry out a thorough examination in order to diagnosis your problem and plan your treatment. He/she will look at the cause and history of your condition, your medical history, general health and any medication you are currently being prescribed.

Your physiotherapist may ask you to perform various movements, such as walking, standing and sitting. They will assess your posture, balance and ask you to perform more specific movements to help identify objective measures, such as muscle strength and range of motion of joints.

Planning your treatment

The treatment plan will be specific to you and your condition and could include joint mobilisation & manipulation, soft tissue techniques, nerve mobilisation, and electro-therapy. Most treatment plans will include strengthening exercises and stretching programmes.


Each treatment session (whether it is for an initial consultation, or a follow-on treatment) is priced at £70.

Do you have Private Medical Insurance?

We work with the major health insurance companies so your physiotherapy treatment may be covered under your insurance scheme. A GP referral will usually be required.*

*We have a ‘fast-track’ arrangement for staff employed by Lloyd’s Corporation, XL Catlin and QBE who hold AXA or WPA medical cover. These employees are eligible to receive fast track access to physical therapy services at the Wellbeing Centre. This means that no GP referral is required before commencing treatment, but you will still have to phone your insurance company to request an ‘authorisation code’.


How does physiotherapy work?

Physiotherapists use a range of spinal or joint manipulation and soft tissue techniques to reduce muscular tension, and increase the range of motion in stiff joints. The aim being to improve mobility, increase blood flow to the injured area, and to minimise recovery time. In addition, your physiotherapist may advise on a home exercise program to aid and maintain your recovery. This will also be intended to improve your posture, general fitness and work towards prevention of re-occurrence.

They may also advise on bio-mechanics, correct technique for everyday or specific activities, coping strategies for those in severe pain, and equipment that you can use at home to enhance your recovery.

What about Pain Reprocessing Therapy?

Pain Reprocessing Therapy works by giving the brain new unthreatening sensory information from the part of the body that is hurting; this slows and then stops the brain from pulling the pain alarm.

Our osteopath Simon Chafer also offers Pain Reprocessing Therapy as an alternative to regular osteopathy.

How long will a consultation last?

Consultation/Treatment sessions will take 30 minutes. (Occasionally we may allow up to 45 minutes for the Initial/First Consultation session but you will be notified of this at the time of booking.)

What should I expect during the consultation?

Your initial consultation will start by taking a full history, this will require asking you many questions about you, your symptoms and general state of health; also required are full details of all medication you have been prescribed, whether it is for your current condition or not. Your physiotherapist will then carry out a thorough physical examination.

There is normally time in this first session to start treatment and provide an initial exercise plan. Follow-up appointments will be more focused on treatment, checking progress using objective measures and developing plans.

How many treatments will I need?

Some patients will only require one or two visits to experience a significant improvement; others will need more, depending on your condition. This can be discussed with your physiotherapist at your initial consultation.

Do I need a medical referral?

No, but it if you have a complex medical history it is preferable to discuss physiotherapy with your doctor. A referral can provide your physiotherapist with useful information about the condition, your general health and detail from any prior investigations (X-ray, MRI). Furthermore, you may not be able to make a claim on your health insurance unless you have been referred by your doctor or specialist*.

* Staff employed by Lloyd’s Corporation, Catlin or QBE who hold AXA PPP medical cover, are eligible to receive ‘fast track’ access to physical therapy services provided at the Wellbeing Centre. This means that no GP referral is required before commencing treatment.

Does it hurt?

It depends on the injury, but not more than the pain you may already experience and for which you are seeking treatment. During treatment it’s important that you communicate with the physiotherapist. The aim is for you to feel an improvement when you leave. You may on some occasions feel sore, but this should disappear within a day or two.

What should I wear?

Wear comfortable clothes that are easy to adjust or remove. Your physiotherapist will require access to the relevant problem area, in order to assess, make a diagnosis and treat.

How can I ensure the physiotherapist is qualified?

Your Lloyd’s Wellbeing Centre physiotherapist will have completed a degree-based education and worked a minimum of a thousand hours of clinical practice within the NHS, before qualification. Physiotherapists are registered with the Health Professional Council; which can be verified online.

Physiotherapy availability and online booking

The Wellbeing Centre physiotherapists