Lunchtime Mindfulness

Transform your mind with Mindful Meditation in the Lloyd’s building

Meditation mindfulness class

Join us in the Lloyd’s building for a 35-minute meditation session from 1:00 to 1:35 PM. During these sessions you’ll not only unlock neuroscientific insights but also gain a deeper understanding of the benefits of mindfulness and meditation. Experience the transformative power of mindful meditation with expert coach Karen Liebenguth, and discover how it can reshape your mind and enhance overall well-being, positively impacting your day.


Karen Liebenguth is an Executive Coach and Mindfulness Trainer at the Lloyd's Wellbeing Centre.

Karen Liebenguth – Executive Coach and Mindfulness Teacher.

Karen Liebenguth is an experienced mindfulness teacher / trainer and coach. She’s had her own meditation practice for 16 years and has been teaching mindfulness and meditation for the past ten years in different contexts across all sectors.


Where do the classes take place? In-person in the Lloyd’s ‘Social Hub’, Upper Basement of the Lloyd’s building. Everyone is welcome, no Lloyd’s pass required. 
When are they? 1:00 – 1:35 PM, – See the booking calendar below for available dates.
We are currently offering these classes free of charge!

Energise your lunchtime at Lloyd’s!

  • Improve Mental Fitness: Just like body exercise is vital for physical health, training your mind through meditation is essential for mental well-being.
  • Master Your Reactions: Learn to control your responses to life’s challenges, leading to a happier, more contented life.
  • What’s Included: Each session offers crucial neuroscientific insights, a deep dive into mindfulness, and expert-guided meditation practices.
  • Session Design: Every session is self-contained yet builds progressively on earlier ones, ensuring continuous and amplified benefits over time.
  • Everyone is welcome! Whether you are new to meditation or a regular meditator.

Benefits of mindfulness and meditation:

  • Enhance self-awareness
  • Shift negative habits
  • Reduce stress & anxiety
  • Improve emotional balance
  • Increase focus
  • Adapt to change
  • Grow positivity
  • Develop calm & empathy

Mindfulness Meditation booking

  • We are currently running these classes for free! Places are limited, so if you are unable to attend then please do cancel your place so that someone else can attend.
  • Special mindfulness classes in support of ‘Mental Health Awareness Week’: Tuesday 14th May “5 healthy habits for a happy mind” and Thursday 16th May “Top tips for mental wellbeing“.