Regular/Holistic/Swedish Massage
Holistic Massage balances the body as a whole, taking into account a patients physical body as well as their emotional and spiritual wellbeing. This relieves physical, mental and emotional stress and encourages the body’s natural healing. The appropriate pressure and techniques are adapted to the patient’s particular needs.
The benefits of Holistic Massage include:
- Reduces pain, stiffness and muscle fatigue as well as muscle tension
- Relieves stiff joints and improve the range of joint mobility
- Increases energy levels
- Improves sleeping patterns, combats insomnia and fatigue
- Improves circulation
- Promotes deep relaxation reducing anxiety and depression
- Stress relief
- Releases blocked energy along with emotional issues
- Creates a postural awareness.
Sports/Remedial (Deep Tissue) Massage
Sports or Remedial Massage is a technique that focuses deep in the soft tissue in order to stimulate the muscular and nervous systems. This offers many benefits including preventing injury, restoring mobility to injured muscles, boosting performance and maintaining the body in an overall better condition.
Further benefits and effects of sports/remedial massage include:
- Circulating blood and lymphatic fluids
- Stretching muscle tissue
- Breaking down scar tissue
- Increased flexibility
- Reducing pain, stiffness & tension headaches
- Relaxing muscles
- Reducing anxiety levels
- Improving self-awareness
Indian Head Massage

Indian Head Massage
With particular focus on the head, shoulders, upper back and neck, this massage will relax but also leave you feeling more alert and revitalised. Oil is not used during Indian Head Massage and the client can choose to be seated, rather than to lie down, and can remain fully clothed during their treatment.
The short and long-term benefits are individual, varied and cumulative. Benefits can include:
- relief from headaches and can help prevent migraines
- relieves tension in the upper back, shoulders & neck
- improved joint mobility
- relieves physical & mental fatigue and improves concentration
- calming effect and relief from stress and restlessness
- helps relieve pain
- promotes healthy hair growth
Foot Massage

Podiatrists treat a wide range of lower limb, ankle and foot issues.
An expert foot massage relieves tension and reduces stress on both muscles and joints – and it also feels downright wonderful!
Our massage therapist will help relax the muscles and restore blood flow for healthy, stress-free feet. This complementary therapy uses the application of pressure to specific points on the feet using specific thumb, finger and hand techniques without the optional use of oil, cream or lotion if desired.
Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy Massage
Cupping is a therapy in which a cup is placed on to the affected area of the body and then some of the air is removed from the cup to create a partial vacuum. This stimulates blood circulation and encourages metabolism within the skin tissue. We use modern air cupping methods whereby the level of vacuum can be carefully controlled to achieve the best results.
Note: Cupping, by its very nature, is likely to result in temporary skin blemishes or bruises on the treated areas. In some cases these bruises may persist for up to 10 days, so consider this if you are planning to go on a beach holiday shortly.
Pregnancy / Post-Natal Massage
Massage therapy during pregnancy is a wonderful complimentary choice for prenatal care. It is a healthy way to reduce stress and promote overall wellness. Massage relives many of the normal discomforts experienced during pregnancy, such as backache, stiff neck, leg cramp, headache, and edema (swelling).
In addition, massage for pregnant women reduces stress on weight-bearing joints, encourages blood and lymph circulation, helps to relax nervous tension – all of which can aid better sleep and help relieve depression or anxiety caused by hormonal changes.
Note: Pregnancy Massage is suitable for women from 12-36 weeks, and post natal from 4 weeks (if normal birth) or 6 weeks (caesarian).
Lymphatic Drainage
A seriously unglamorous name, but there are many health benefits from Manual Lymphatic Drainage. The lymph system is part of your body’s immune system and helps fight infection. Lymph itself is a clear, slightly yellow fluid. It transports nutrients and oxygen to cells, collecting toxins and bacteria on the way and flushing them out through the lymph nodes. You have around twice as many lymph vessels as blood vessels in your body. However, unlike blood, which is pumped around by your heart, the lymph system has no pump.
The practitioner uses a range of specialised, gentle rhythmic strokes and sweeping techniques to stimulate the lymphatic vessels which aids the delivery of cellular waste to the lymph nodes where it can be removed from the body.
- treatment is preventative, remedial and relaxing
- promotes healing of fractures, ligaments, sprains & strains
- can improve chronic conditions such as sinusitus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma and acne
- may strengthen the immune system as part of detox
- relieves fluid congestion: swollen ankles, tired puffy eyes and swollen legs
- promotes healing of wounds and burns and improves the appearance of scars
- minimises or reduces stretch marks, and can be used to speed healing after cosmetic surgery.
Detox & Cellulite Reduction
Those tell-tale dimples happen to the best of us! 90% of all women have cellulite and this is frequently attributed to poor circulation, hormonal changes, poor diet and improper exercise. In fact, cellulite is the herniation of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue that manifests itself as skin dimpling. Massage increases blood circulation to the affected areas which assists in the redistribution and breaking down of fat cells. Massage also aids lymph drainage and the detoxification process, and assists in the regeneration of connective tissue.
Note: The 60-minute treatment covers just the top of the legs, front and back. The 90-minute treatment includes the bum too.