Lexie Minter
Menopause Practitioner and Nurse Prescriber
BSc Nursing, BSc Midwifery, Independent Nurse Prescriber

Lexie Minter
Lexie is a Nurse Prescriber, with a special interest in hormone health, and runs the Lloyd’s Wellbeing Centre’s menopause and hormone health clinic. She is a member of the British Menopause Society and is also a Newson Health Menopause Society Associate with 20+ years career in A&E, midwifery and primary care. Lexie is one of Lloyd’s Wellbeing Centre’s key speakers in hormone health, providing talks to employees and corporate teams and advising on menopause policy and support strategy.
Lexie completed her nurse training in North London at the Royal Free Hospital and qualified with BSc Nursing. She has worked in Accident & Emergency and completed the additional Emergency Care qualification. In addition to nursing, she also trained and qualified as a Midwife with a BSc In Midwifery. Lexie worked as a Nurse and Midwife in London in both the NHS and private sector at the Royal Free, Chelsea and Westminster, Charring Cross at St Mary’s Hospitals. In 2009, Lexie moved to the private sector with an investment bank and coordinated its on-site healthcare and health initiatives. In 2011, she competed the Independent Nurse Prescribing qualification at Kings College. Lexie worked as a Senior Sister in the Queen Elizabeth Queen Mother (QEQM) Emergency Department before moving to HCA International where she was embedded in their corporate sites across The City and Central London. In recent years Lexie has specialised and focused on menopause care and building on her passion for women’s health, empowerment and advocacy. She has undertaken extensive British Menopause Society training courses, international menopause training, ongoing professional development and is a Newson Menopause Society Associate. Lexie has extensive knowledge of the NHS and the private sector which helps her navigate her patients to appropriate care. She firmly believes her job as a nurse is to provide the highest levels of individualised care and to advocate for her patients through every step of their journey.
Clinical interests
Perimenopause, Menopause, Post menopause, Genito urinary syndrome of the menopause (GSM), Vulval vaginal health, Testosterone in women, Hormones and the workplace.
- BSc Nursing – Middlesex University 2001
- BSc Midwifery- Thames Valley University 2007
- Specialist qualification in Emergency Care – Thames Valley University 2004
- Independent Nurse Prescriber – Kings College 2011
Additional menopause training
- Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and British Menopause Society Post reproductive health course (October 2021)
- 31st Women’s Health Health Symposium (November 2021)
- British Menopause Society Principles and Practice of Menopause care
- British Menopause Society Cafe (May 2022)
- British Menopause Society Conference 2022
- International Menopause Congress 2022
- 32nd Women’s Health Health Symposium (November 2022)